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Nanticoke Sportsmen's Club

26086 Bethel-Concord Rd. Seaford, DE 19973

New 2024 Membership Meeting Dates

New for 2024 membership meetings will be held quarterly on the second Tuesday of the month.
2024 Schedule:
Tuesday March 12th @ 7:30 PM
Tuesday June 11th @ 7:30 PM
Tuesday September 10th @ 7:30 PM
Tuesday December 10th @ 7:30 PM
New membership meeting dates will be added to NSC calendar.
Presenting new members and voting process is being reviewed for the new membership schedule and once completed will be announced at a later date by newsletter. The "Members Only" section tab on NSC web site, will be utilized to present new members and stock owner voting.


New E-mail address for additions to NSC calendar 

NSC Range Safety Video - click link below ************

New Steel Target Frames and Plate Hangers on Range # 5



The new target hangers spin on 1" steel conduit with steel pipe or angle iron to protect the hanging pipe with orange paint marking the pipe. 

Don't shoot the orange cross supports above the steel plates.

Member Range Notices

Member Range Notices
The steel plate rack and steel plates on member range # 1 are for .22 Long Rifle caliber pistol and rifle only, no exceptions, min. of 10 yard distance from plates.
Do NOT place targets on the 4x4 posts target frames.
Please place trash and used targets in trash cans on the ranges, just too much trash observed around the club.
When chairs are borrowed from range # 3 please return them to that range.
Please pick up sand bags found on the ground at range # 5 to the top of the benches.

Indoor Range update

The Nanticoke Sportsman’s Club Indoor range has just received a significant update.
A new Heat and A/C system!
Due to the increased usage of the range, The BOD, with full support of all members present, voted to award a contract for a new system. It is a Hybrid using a Heat Pump for cooling and an LP gas burner for heat. Stats are 5 Ton on the AC side and 110,000 BTU on the heat side. The system was professionally installed by Above and Beyond Services of Laurel. It has a very clean and minimal footprint and is very quiet. It moves air rapidly and raises temperature in room about 5 degrees in ten minutes.
With this new system in place, we will be scheduling more warm weather indoor events. The range already being used for Bullseye Archery on Tuesday, 4-D archery on Thursday and open archery shoot on Sundays. It will now be possible to shoot in relative comfort despite the weather.
If you haven’t had a chance to watch these league competitors stop by and see what the fun is all about.

New .22 Long Rifle Only Pistol & Rifle steel targets is now open

(4) New Rules – 11/1/2021 - .22 Long Rifle steel plate range on Range # 1 – steel plates restricted to .22 Long Rifle caliber only (no exceptions), pistol or rifle. Steel Plates must be shot from behind distance sign on range behind bench located on right side of range # 1.



Pistol Range # 2 has a new roof and loading table

Wednesday Night Trap

Wednesday Night Trap is open @ dusk 

New yearly calendar on home page that can be printed, just click on calendar

 No shot shells permitted on (Pistol/Rifle) Ranges #1, #2, # 4 and # 5. Designated shot shell pattern ranges is pattern board on Trap Range and Range # 3, equipped with ropes to hold target/patterning board.

NSC member replaced the rotten roof on Range # 4 - Thank you

Range Safety

  Its every member and guest obligation to ensure every bullet fired will land inside the berm faces.



Steel Plate Targets on Range # 5 -

The steel plates and steel frames have been shot with un-approved ammo leaving large holes in the target frames. These new targets have been approved for members enjoyment and if rules are NOT followed the Steel Plates will be removed. Please read NSC range rules below on shooting the steel plates below.

8. N.S.C. Steel plates on Rifle Range # 5 are to be shot from rifle benches only. Caliber/Ammo restrictions on Steel plates on Rifle Range # 5 are as follows:

(1) The 50 yard rifle range steel plates are restricted to calibers .17/.22 rim fire rifle through .300 Blackout soft nose lead bullets.  

(2) The 75 yard and 100 yard steel plates are restricted to calibers .17/.22 rim fire rifle through .30 caliber soft nose lead bullets.

 (3) Restricted bottleneck rifle ammo; M1-Grand military M2 ball (30-06) steel core, 7.62x39 (AK) and 7.62x54R (Russian) military grade steel core bullets, all manufactures of caliber .223/5.56x45 M885/XM885 green tip bullets, Federal 5.56 NATO 62 grain Penetrator green tip, 7.62x51MM (308) penetrator tip, black tip/green tip/steel core military grade ammo, and all other rifle calibers of penetrator tip, black tip, green tip, red tip tracer and steel core metal case bullets not permitted on any steel plates. No Exceptions. (Special note) If magnet sticks to bullet its usually steel core.

***** always check for flag on 150 yard Bench that member is not down range on 150 & 200 yard targets



Action Pistol Steel Shoot Range closures

Action Pistol Steel Shoot event on 3rd Sunday, Ranges # 1, # 2 & # 3 will be closed 9:00 AM - 12:00 noon during event for safety


New Range Designation for future activities or maintenance to improve communication with members.

New Range Designation for future activities or maintenance to improve communication with members.

Member ranges from the Trap Range:

First pistol range is now Range # 1

Second pistol range is now Range # 2 

Small  Rifle Range with 3 new concrete benches is now Range # 3 (shot shells permitted)

Next Pistol Range is now Range # 4

Rifle Range from 50 yard to 200 yards is now Range # 5 






NSC Newsletters for 2021

NSC BOD and Membership approved Constant Contact E-mail hosting to improve communication with membership. This will allow NSC members to receive NSC News in a timely manner and announcing legislative alerts, work schedules improving club grounds/ranges.

New E-mailed newsletters has been sent to all members and if you have NOT receive any newsletters then we don't have your correct E-mail address. Send E=mail to with name and new E-mail address, note on subject line, NSC Newsletter


Range Improvements - 1st picture before improvements and following pictures after work completed

Pictures of finished berms from top to bottom
Older picture of 50 & 75 yard berms before work began
Range # 2 - 25 yard moved to align berms with benches
Rifle Range # 4 - 50 yard, 75 yard and 100 yard berm with new target boards
Action Pistol Bay # 4

.22 long rifle Steel Challenge - looks so fun (click on You Tube Links)